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Rwanda Direct works through the Church in Rwanda to meet the deep needs of the country through education at  all levels, leadership training and support of innovative local aid and development. We have established relationships with  key leaders who are able to advise us. They have knowledge of the country, the community, the Christian churches and organisations. They are able to identify where we can help most, far better than we ever could at a distance. Visits enable us to build and strengthen these relationships, to see the work at first hand and to ensure accountability. 


In Rwanda we relate to: the senior leaders of the church and Christian organisations. 


Most Rev'd Onesphore Rwaje, retired Archbishop of Rwanda and the Bishops of:


               Kigali Diocese in the centre and south east of the country


               Byumba Diocese to the north of the country 


               Kigeme Diocese in the south west of the country 


               Gahini Diocese in the east of the country


The Director of Scripture Union (SU) Rwanda serving the whole country 


The Principal at Kigali Anglican Theological College (KATC) soon to be the East African Christian

College (EACC) providing training for church leaders from across the whole country 


In the UK: 


Rwanda Direct grew out of a link between the Ipswich Waterfront Churches and Rwanda which

began in the 1990's. Barbara Willingham, our treasurer, is still a member of those churches.


Various folk around the UK who have visited Rwanda maintain their interest and we hope

will find this website a source of up to date information to inform their prayers and continuing 





Our friends in Rwanda love to welcome visitors and to meet people face to face. Seeing the 

church at work is an inspiring and challenging experience and we learn much which impacts

on our life and witness here in the UK. Rwanda Direct Trustees visit at intervals to maintain real 

relationships and understanding of the needs and challenges which arise. Others often join in 

these visits. 


Contact us if you are interested in learning more about Rwanda Direct


Mrs Jean Daltry, Secretary 




Retired Archbishop Onesphore Rwaje of Rwanda

Bishop Augustine & Virginie Mvunabandi - retired from Kigeme, Chair SU Rwanda

Bishop Emmanuel Ngendahayo Byumba Diocese

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Bishop Assiel Musabyimana

of Kigeme Diocese

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Revd Canon Jean Baptiste Bugiruwenda with new Director of SU Revd Dr Appolinaire Hakizimana

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Bishop Manasseh Gahima of Gahini Diocese


Dr Papias Musafiri Malimba, Principal EACC

Bishop Nathan Amooti of Kigali Diocese

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